20 Questions
3 Minutes
Do you find it hard to focus, stay organized, or manage impulsive behaviors? This self-assessment tool is designed to help you understand whether your experiences align with common ADHD symptoms. While this test is for informational purposes only and cannot diagnose ADHD, it provides valuable insights and next steps if you identify with certain patterns.
Disclaimer: This tool is not a substitute for a professional diagnosis. If your results suggest potential ADHD symptoms, we recommend consulting a licensed mental health professional.
Directions Read each question carefully and consider how often the statement applies to your daily life. Select the option that best represents your experience. Answer all 20 questions honestly to ensure accurate results. There are no right or wrong answers. Your results will provide an overview of how your experiences align with common ADHD symptoms and suggest next steps based on your score.
1321 Garnet Avenue San Diego, CA 92109
Monday-Friday 9AM-7PM Saturday & Sunday 9AM-4PM
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